Antes intravenosa o anestesia General

Instrucciones imprimibles

Instrucciones para pacientes recepción anestesia

  • Do not eat or drink for six (6) hours prior to your surgery appointment. This includes water, liquids or food of any kind. If you do eat, we will reschedule your surgical appointment for your safety.

  • Eat a light, easily digestible meal the night before surgery and please refrain from alcoholic beverages of any kind. Also refrain from smoking as this irritates your lungs.

  • Take your normal medications in the morning with a small sip of water unless otherwise instructed.

  • Un adulto responsable debe acompañarlo a la oficina, remain in the office during your surgery and drive you home. Patients cannot be dropped off.

  • Children are not allowed in the surgical area so please make arrangements for their care elsewhere.

  • Do not wear contact lenses, lipstick, excessive makeup or nail polish on the day of surgery.

  • Leave your jewelry, watches and purses with person accompanying you to your appointment.

  • Each patient will be asked to change into a surgical gown. Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Women may prefer to wear slacks and pull back long hair from your face.

  • If you develop a cold, persistent cough or fever, por favor llame a la oficina.

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Puede contar con el Dr.. Swiderski and his many years of experience when you're in need of surgical care. Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy!

Llámanos: 503-581-0223